Isn't It Ironic?
What a lovely week it has been, I think I have worn my waterproofs more this week than the whole winter put together, I have turned all the ones we were waiting for the soft ground away...However I am so pleased we have the rain, the water table is so low, it will take a while to get things back to where they should be.
I think the racecourses have done an amazing job of the ground, however watered ground is never as good as natural ground, as we found out to our cost with Starfoot, he wouldn't let himself down at Market Rasen and when he did decide to put himself into the race, he tweaked his tendon. It is a very minimal injury but that is him finished racing now, John his owner feels that to wait until he would be ready would cost lot of money and then would he be as good as he has been? I'm not sure but I am delighted that Star can have another life outside of racing.
Star is going up to Perth to live with Floyd (Heroes or Ghosts) and become an eventer. I could not be happier with how amazing Floyd looks on all his videos and pictures, Annie and Bridgett really know their stuff and Star has potential to be a very good eventer, I wish them all the luck in the world with him.
John has given me a brief to buy a nice horse to replace Star, so I am on the hunt for something, they are big shoes to fill but I am sure I can do him proud.
Its For Alan ran another super race at Bangor last week to finish second, just getting found out in the last couple of furlongs on ground that had gone too soft (yup it rained continually the whole day). He came back with a nasty cut on his near hind leg, it didn't look too bad at the track but has taken antibiotics and time to heal up, he was very sore the following day. What a little trooper.

John Biscuit ran yesterday and to be fair to him he ran well to finish 5th, he hates traffic in a race when he has nowhere to go, he was on and off the bridle and missed the kick running down the hill where the leaders got away. I also think he doesn't see that trip out on that ground (oh yes it peed down again, isn't it ironic?)

A very good friend of mine makes Bumplates, "what?" I hear you cry...Well they are stencils for the horse's quarters, you can have whatever you choose and she will get a stencil made to your spec. Have a look at our one, I'm sorry the light isn't great and JB probably isn't the best colour to see it, but it is my initials and the sun. So if you would like one go to and have a look!

We are nearly finished with the steam cleaning and painting, what a joy that has been...I am not allowed to do any of the intricate painting, apparently I'm too messy and our Trace has a meltdown if I go over the lines...

I am really very impressed by what a great job the guys are doing and very grateful they just crack on and work even when Im not about, a rare thing these days.
We have been trialing lots of different types of bedding and I think we are finally agreed on our new one. I changed off the wood pellets when the horses wouldn't come healthy and whether it was coincidence or not, they started winning so that was enough for me. However we changed to cardboard, which was clean and warm but we used a ridiculous amount, 12 pallets in 6 weeks, some horses were having a bale a day. It nearly bankrupted me! I also found it very hard to muck out and had a constantly sore shoulder.
We have tried Easybed, Laysoft (both chopped wood, think very thin, short matchsticks) Megazorb (washed paper granules) and NedzBeds.
The Laysoft and Easybed were so easy to muck out and both were dust free but not very absorbent, the Megazorb was amazing but a bit dusty in the dry weather (im struggling to remember dry weather now...) and frighteningly expensive to put a new bed down. If they could make it less dusty and cheaper I wouldn't hesitate to use it.
FInally we have trailed Nedzbeds which is chopped rape straw that has been cleaned, dust extracted and coated with silver and manuka honey, to keep it antibacterial and antifungal. I love it, 4 bales make a lovely bed and there is no dust, easy to muck out and very absorbent. I have just ordered 10 pallets so we will see how far it goes.
I am looking at setting up a syndicate for the yard, the premise is to have 20 shares for a horse, costing £120 a month and that includes everything. There are numerous syndicates out there that are run professionally but also pay a full time wage to the administrators. I have been chatting to a chap called Gary Brady who also does some bloodstock and he would be willing to administer the syndicate for a share and a small admin fee. This enables people to get more value for money and my aim is to have a bimonthly morning here on the gallops, also weekly updates and complete transparency. We are heading to the July sale to have a look at what's available so watch this space people.
The lovely Novice Filly (Debbie) has asked if she could organise a yard visit next Saturday for those people who don't want to go to Ascot, moving on to the George in Lambourn to watch the racing once they are finished here. I will be delighted to accommodate whoever comes and we will organise some bacon rolls and coffee in the Queens arms for once we have finished in the yard. I think it is so important for racing fans to be able to get involved and be allowed to get near to the horses, they are also great for our well being. I love what Debbie does, I completely understand anxiety and depression (try being a trainer for high stress levels!) and think it is so important to provide quiet, safe havens at busy racecourses for people who get overwhelmed. Well done to Debbie and to the courses who are getting on board. This is a link to Debbie's blog, please have a read and follow her on twitter
Lastly we are able to take a few more horses for this season, having sold my hack and also freed up a box that was taken by an injured horse that retired, so if you know of any owners who are looking for an honest yard, who do a great job with average horses (think what we could do with a good one!) then please send them our way. I pride myself on being completely honest and feel our horses get the best of everything and more. Have a look at our facilities, I think they are amazing without being in the middle of Lambourn, we can still get there in 10 mins though.
If anyone can send me a client for our lovely 3 year old that is for sale I will give them a finders fee of 5%. Thankyou to all the lovely people who shared my post on FB, I am very lucky to have so many great people promoting us and giving us a push.

To encourage people to come and visit us and have a look round, we will be doing an open morning on Saturday the 14th of September (TBC).